Front-end Engineering challenge

Demonstrate your skills and overall approach to Front-end Engineering

The Front-end Engineering challenge is a way for applicants to roles within the Q-CTRL Front-end Engineering team to demonstrate their skills and overall approach to solving a challenge based upon a set of requirements.

The requirements are intentionally sparse (the devil is in the details). We don’t want you to do a lot, but what you do should be your best work and should clearly demonstrate you embody the three virtues.

The rules

  1. Read and understand the challenge.
  2. Create a solution that satisfies the requirements.
  3. Send a link to the repository containing your solution to the person who contacted you.

IMPORTANT: The repository containing your solution MUST be public, MUST contain a file, and MUST NOT make any reference to “Q-CTRL” in the repository name, description, or code.

NOTE: You should spend no more than three hours on this challenge.

The challenge

There’s a new set of product features being planned for whereby a customer will be able to browse a list of countries with the ability to filter the list through a search mechanism, pagination, and finally seeing information about each individual country.

Alongside these new features will be a new documentation website.

The requirements


  • Build a React app.
  • Use REST Countries to get all the data you need.
  • Write your own pagination logic.
  • Write your own search logic (you’re not marked on how advanced your search algorithm is).
  • Feel free to use a UI library such as MUI.
Feature: View the countries page

  Scenario: Countries are loading
    Given I am on the countries page
    Then I should see a loading spinner

  Scenario: Countries have loaded
    Given I am on the countries page
    When the countries have finished loading
    Then I should see the first 10 countries in alphabetical order
    And I should not see the previous button

Feature: Browse countries on the countries page

  Scenario: Click the next button
    Given I am on the countries page
    And I am not on the last page of countries
    When I click the next button
    Then I should see the next 10 countries

  Scenario: Click the previous button
    Given I am on the countries page
    And I am not on the first page of countries
    When I click the previous button
    Then I should see the previous 10 countries

  Scenario: Viewing the first page
    Given I am on the countries page
    When I am on the first page of countries
    Then I should not see the previous button

  Scenario: Viewing the last page
    Given I am on the countries page
    When I am on the last page of countries
    Then I should not see the next button

Feature: Search countries on the countries page

  Scenario: Search countries
    Given I am on the countries page
    And I have entered some text in the search box
    When I click the search button
    Then I should see a list of countries that match my search

Feature: View the country page

  Scenario: Clicking a country
    Given I am on the countries page
    When I click a country
    Then I should see the country page

  Scenario: Country is loading
    Given I am on the country page
    Then I should see a loading spinner

  Scenario: Country has loaded
    Given I am on the country page
    When the country has finished loading
    Then I should see a back button
    And I should see the country's flag
    And I should see the country's name
    And I should see the country's population
    And I should see the country's demonym

  Scenario: Click the back button
    Given I am on the country page
    When I click the back button
    Then I should see the countries page


  • Create the HTML only based on the supplied design.
  • No CSS.
  • No JS.
  • No libraries.
  • Nothing but plain old semantic HTML (POSH).