Naming conventions

Guide to naming conventions for Q-CTRL repositories, projects, and packages


The name of a repository SHOULD accurately describe its contents, and it MUST follow the following rules.

Standard repositories

The repository name MUST be composed of the following elements, in this order:

1. Product : The name of the company product that relates to the repository. Ignore if the repository doesn’t relate to a single product.

2. Purpose : The main purpose of the repository. Ignore if the repository implements the entirety of a product. This can be the name of the package the repository releases or the service it provides. You can include the language or framework in which the repository is implemented : (1) if it’s conceivable the purpose of the repository will be implemented in more than one framework or language or : (2) if it’s crucial for the repository’s purpose.

The repository name MUST be the slugified version of the relevant elements in this order: [product]-[purpose]. See some examples of names for standard repositories in the following table:

Product Purpose Repository name
Black Opal   black-opal
  Open Controls open-controls
Boulder Opal Python Client boulder-opal-python-client
Fire Opal Core fire-opal-core
Fire Opal Python Commons fire-opal-python-commons
  Billing Service billing-service
  Docs docs
  Jobs jobs
  Sphinx Theme sphinx-theme
  Python QUA Adapter python-qua-adapter
  Python Visualizer python-visualizer
  JavaScript Visualizer javascript-visualizer
  React Visualizer react-visualizer

Research repositories

Research repositories MUST be the slugified repository’s purpose, prefixed by research-. For example, research-system-identification.


The project name is what you see as the main heading in the README file of the repository (for example,

The project name MUST be the titleized version of the repository name, preceded by the organization.

See some examples of project names in the following table:

Repository name Project name
black-opal Q-CTRL Black Opal
open-controls Q-CTRL Open Controls
boulder-opal-python-commons Q-CTRL Boulder Opal Python Commons
boulder-opal-python-client Q-CTRL Boulder Opal Python Client
fire-opal-core Q-CTRL Fire Opal Core
billing-service Q-CTRL Billing Service
docs Q-CTRL Docs
sphinx-theme Q-CTRL Sphinx Theme
python-qua-adapter Q-CTRL Python QUA Adapter
javascript-visualizer Q-CTRL JavaScript Visualizer
research-notebooks Q-CTRL Research Notebooks


For repositories that release a package, the package name is what you see as the main heading of the package’s home page. For example, for a Python package or for a JavaScript package.

The package name is the project name with the language implied. For example:

  • pip or “Python package” implies Python.
  • npm or “Node package” implies JavaScript.
  • gem or “RubyGem” implies Ruby.
  • etc.

Note: Whilst the language is implied, the framework is not.

If the project name includes a product name (that is, from the Products tab of the organization website), ignore the organization name in the package name.

See some examples of package names in the following table:

Project name Package name
Q-CTRL Open Controls Q-CTRL Open Controls
Q-CTRL Boulder Opal Python Commons Boulder Opal Commons
Q-CTRL Boulder Opal Python Client Boulder Opal Client
Q-CTRL Sphinx Theme Q-CTRL Sphinx Theme
Q-CTRL Javascript Visualizer Q-CTRL Visualizer
Q-CTRL Python QUA Adapter Q-CTRL QUA Adapter
Q-CTRL Python Visualizer Q-CTRL Visualizer
Q-CTRL React Visualizer Q-CTRL React Visualizer

Installs and imports

The install name is what you use to install a package. For example, pip install qctrl-open-controls for Python or npm install @qctrl/react-visualizer for JavaScript.

The import name is what you use to import a package. For example, import qctrlopencontrols for Python or import @qctrl/react-visualizer; for JavaScript.

Python packages

For Python packages, the install name is the slugified version of the package name. The import name is the install name, removing dashes (-) (see PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code: Package and Module Names). If the package is an API client, client is left out of the install and import names. If the package is an adapter, adapter is left out of the install and import names.

See some examples of install and import names for Python packages in the following table:

Package name Install name Import name
Q-CTRL Open Controls qctrl-open-controls qctrlopencontrols
Boulder Opal Commons boulder-opal-commons boulderopalcommons
Fire Opal Client fire-opal fireopal
Q-CTRL Sphinx Theme qctrl-sphinx-theme qctrlsphinxtheme
Q-CTRL QUA Adapter qctrl-qua qctrlqua
Q-CTRL Visualizer qctrl-visualizer qctrlvisualizer

JavaScript packages

For JavaScript packages, both the install and import names are the slugified version of the package name, removing qctrl- if it contains it, and placing it in the @qctrl organization namespace. If the package is an API client, client is left out of the install and import names.

See some examples of install and import names for JavaScript packages in the following table:

Package name Install and import name
Fire Opal Client @qctrl/fire-opal
Q-CTRL Visualizer @qctrl/visualizer
Q-CTRL React Visualizer @qctrl/react-visualizer



Type Example
Repository qctrl/.github
Project Q-CTRL .github
Package N/A
Install N/A
Import N/A
Type Example
Repository qctrl/template
Project Q-CTRL Template
Package N/A
Install N/A
Import N/A
Type Example
Repository qctrl/front-end-challenge
Project Q-CTRL Front-end Challenge
Package N/A
Install N/A
Import N/A

Python packages

Type Example
Repository qctrl/fire-opal-python-client
Project Q-CTRL Fire Opal Python Client
Package Fire Opal Client
Install pip install fire-opal
Import import fireopal
Type Example
Repository qctrl/fire-opal-core
Project Q-CTRL Fire Opal Core
Package Fire Opal Core
Install pip install fire-opal-core
Import import fireopalcore
Type Example
Repository qctrl/python-visualizer
Project Q-CTRL Python Visualizer
Package Q-CTRL Visualizer
Install pip install qctrl-visualizer
Import import qctrlvisualizer
Type Example
Repository qctrl/django-visualizer
Project Q-CTRL Django Visualizer
Package Q-CTRL Django Visualizer
Install pip install qctrl-django-visualizer
Import import qctrldjangovisualizer
Type Example
Repository qctrl/sphinx-theme
Project Q-CTRL Sphinx Theme
Package Q-CTRL Sphinx Theme
Install pip install qctrl-sphinx-theme
Import import qctrlsphinxtheme

JavaScript packages

Type Example
Repository qctrl/boulder-opal-javascript-client
Project Q-CTRL Boulder Opal JavaScript Client
Package Boulder Opal Client
Install npm install @qctrl/boulder-opal
Import import @qctrl/boulder-opal;
Type Example
Repository qctrl/javascript-visualizer
Project Q-CTRL JavaScript Visualizer
Package Q-CTRL Visualizer
Install npm install @qctrl/visualizer
Import import @qctrl/visualizer;
Type Example
Repository qctrl/react-visualizer
Project Q-CTRL React Visualizer
Package Q-CTRL React Visualizer
Install npm install @qctrl/react-visualizer
Import import @qctrl/react-visualizer;