Q-CTRL Code is the home of Q-CTRL's coding standards intended for use by all contributors - from external open source developers, to outside collaborators and, of course, members of the Q-CTRL team.

Get started @qctrl on GitHub

Before you jump in

Whether you're an external open source developer, an outside collaborator, or a member of the Q-CTRL team, before you start contributing to Q-CTRL projects, we need to get some things straight.


Guide to contributing to Q-CTRL projects

Code of conduct

Code of conduct for contributing to Q-CTRL projects

Brand and content guide

Guide to using our brand and creating content

Take the challenge

Challenges are a way for applicants to roles within the Q-CTRL Engineering team to demonstrate their skills and overall approach to solving a challenge based upon a set of requirements.

Infrastructure Engineering challenge

Demonstrate your skills and overall approach to Infrastructure Engineering